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Trade union movement organizes meeting to discuss issues related to climate change

Updated: Dec 28, 2024

Source: ObAgro

On November 5, trade unions from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain and Italy will hold the 1st Trade Union Seminar for Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay) and Europe (Spain-Italy) Towards the Climate Summit (COP 30) - “Environment and climate change in the production chains/value chains of agribusiness and tourism. Building a just transition.”

This video meeting will be the first meeting of these social actors, who are planning in-person meetings later, either in Europe or in Brazil, which is scheduled to host the 30th UN Conference on Climate Change in November 2025, in the city of Belém. Some sectors of Universities and research foundations are also supporting the event.

The program and other information can be found below:



1st Trade Union Seminar Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay) and Europe (Spain-Italy) Towards the Climate Summit (COP 30)

“Environment and climate change in the production chains/value chains of agribusiness and tourism.”


Modality: online (videoconference), with simultaneous translation from Spanish to Portuguese to Italian.

Date: November 5, 2024 – 12:30 p.m. in Brazil / 4:30 p.m. in Spain and Italy

Objective: to exchange experiences and union proposals to promote mutual knowledge and facilitate future areas of joint action. To integrate the Latin American and European (Spain-Italy) union movement for organized and qualified union action at COP 30.

Program: Start Brazil: 12:30 p.m. // Spain and Italy 4:30 p.m. (Spain)

Opening and contextualization: why are we here (IUF) – 10 minutes

Contextualization: what is happening to the environment? The importance of discussing fires / deforestation / large farms / monoculture / raising of large livestock / pesticides / contamination of water and food / climate change – 10 minutes.

Report on union experiences and proposals – Spain (CCOO) / Italy (FLAI-CGIL) – 35 minutes

Report on union experiences and proposals – Latin America (Trade Union Confederations of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay) – 35 minutes

Research on topics of interest to the working class: possible support from universities (UFSC and UCM) – 10 minutes

Debates: including new topics in collective bargaining (such as the environment and just transition) and organization towards COP 30 – 20 minutes

Closing (12:30 p.m. in Brazil – 5:30 p.m. in Spain / Italy)


- Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de la Alimentación (UITA) - Montevideo (Uruguay) - Ginebra (Switzerland)

- Observatório de Saúde e Trabalho no Agronegócio (ObAgro) – Brazil

- Confederações Nacionais de Brazilian Food Workers (CNTA and CONTAC/CUT)

- National federations of agroindustry in Argentina

- National federations of agroindustry of Uruguay

- Federaciones de Trabajadores de la Industria y los Servicios - Comisiones Obreras (CCOO - España) /   -

- Federazione Lavorati AgroIndustria – FLAI / CGIL (Italy) -


- Occupational Health Laboratory (LASAT) – Department of Public Health – Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Brazil -

- Complutense Institute of Sociology for Studies of Contemporary Social Transformations (TRANSOC - )

- ​​Professional School of Labor Relations ( – UCM

- 1st of May Foundation – (CCOO - Spain)

- METES Foundation (CGIL – Italy)

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