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More than 30 trade unions and research organizations discuss climate change and work relations

Source: CNTA

Around 60 union leaders from the Food category from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain and Italy – in addition to a European federation – participated this Tuesday (5) in the seminar “Environment and climate change in the production chains/value chains of agribusiness and tourism. Building a fair transition”.

The event, held virtually, was attended by the vice-president of CNTA (National Confederation of Workers in the Food and Related Industries), Artur Bueno Júnior, and brought as its context the Climate Summit (COP 30), which will take place in 2025 in the city of Belém-PA. The union movement is calling for active participation in the summit.

The event was organized by Obagro (Observatory of Health and Work in Agribusiness), in partnership with the Latin American Regional of IUF (International Union of Workers in the Food Industries). In addition to union leaders, experts in Health and Safety at Work participated, such as researcher Hermano Castro from Fiocruz, and prosecutor Lincoln Cordeiro (MPT).

Among the trade unions, in addition to the CNTA, the Latin Americans were represented by the president of Contac (Brazilian Democratic Confederation of Food Industry Workers of the CUT), Josimar Cechin, Brazilian and continental unions in the food sector and the Argentine and Uruguayan Federations of Meat Industry Workers.

For the Europeans, directors of CCOO (Confederation of Spanish Workers' Unions) and Flia-CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labor), as well as the president of the Federation of European Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT), Kristjan Bragason.


The vice-president of CNTA, Artur Bueno Júnior, stressed the importance of addressing the issue of climate change and its impact on the world of work. “Workers’ representatives must demand their space at COP 30”, he stated.

Two panels were defined to present ideas – one European and one Latin American. Vicente López, one of the Spanish representatives of CCOO, reported on the intense flooding in Valencia and other regions of Spain and its impact on the lives of workers. After him, Fernando Medina, Marco López and Juan Blanco spoke.

Then came the Italians from Flia-CGIL (Andrea Coinu and Tina Bali), who reported on the transnational nature of the union struggle.

For South America, Argentines and Uruguayans (Carlos Molinares and Martin Cardozo) spoke, each representing the Federation of Workers in the Refrigerated Industries of their country. After them, Wilson Pereira, a Brazilian from Contratuh (National Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality Workers) had his turn to speak.

Those present analyzed a Final Document (BELOW), which summarizes the positions expressed by the group during the demonstrations. “In the next 10 days, we will work on the final format of this text, informing our colleagues. In addition, we will organize a second meeting in Europe, in April 2025, and prepare to receive our European colleagues in Brazil, during COP 30”, stated the coordinator of Obagro, Roberto Ruiz.

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