Source: ObAgro
The Just Transition can be summarized as a paradigm shift in relation to the extractive and predatory mode of production, which would start to operate based on regenerative and sustainable actions, based on equity and justice. ObAgro is supporting a meeting between North American activists who belong to the Just Transition Alliance movement and Brazilian union leaders from various areas, such as food, chemicals, oil and others. For the president of CONTAC/CUT, Josimar Cechin, “the union movement must be aware of the changes that are occurring in the world of work, which have an impact on the entire population”. Artur Júnior, from CNTA, highlights that we are going through a delicate moment with climate change, with consequences for workers, such as creating a hotter work environment, which interferes with the work environment and can even harm workers’ health. Among metalworkers, the leader Leandro Duca, from the Itu union, reminds us that it is important to always be aware of production processes such as galvanizing, for example, which, if not strictly controlled, can cause harm to human health and the environment.
There will also be participation among chemists, where Arlei Medeiros will highlight the support of several unions for the initiative called Livres, which produces healthy food, without pesticides.
More information (WhatsApp): 4899612-4237 or (
The event is open to all interested parties.
Event summary:
Date: October 1, 2024.
Time: 10 am.
Location: Federation of Food Workers of SP. Rua Conselheiro Furtado, 987, Bairro da Liberdade, São Paulo – SP.
Support: Observatory of Health and Work in Agribusiness (